Wednesday, October 2, 2019

My Nursing Journey and My Personal Philosophy of Nursing Essay

Introduction My journey to nursing began with my personal healthcare experience, and has continued to evolve since entering the nursing program at State University. My personal philosophy of nursing is related my life experience and my personal philosophy of life. Using reflection-on-action, I have begun to understand the influences that have lead me to nursing. I discovered client and family centered care to be an important quality when I look at the influential nurses in my life. To develop a positive therapeutic nurse-client relationship, nurses must integrate all 5 dimensions of the therapeutic nurse-client relationship into their practice (CNO, 2006). When it comes to providing client-centered care, the dimensions of trust, empathy and respect are particularly important (CNO, 2006). Illness can be a traumatic experience for patients and their families, and it is important to be empathetic to the patient’s needs, while still trusting the patient to be an expert in their illness and car e. Client Centered Care Client centered care is what creates the foundation for the therapeutic nurse-client relationships. The Registered Nursing Association of Ontario (RNAO) recommends that nurses embrace the values of respect, human dignity, client as expert, and clients as leaders, to foster patient centered care (RNAO, 2002). A study done at Coventry University found that there were serious implications to care that was not family-center. Effective communication plays a large role in how the care is perceived by families and patients. It is extremely important for clients to receive constant and continual information from their healthcare professionals (Beckwitt, 2014). Relaying critical, sensitive information is difficult, but when t... ... Stories. Retrieved March 18, 2014 from Methven, M. (n.d.). Stella Joy. Thinking About Death. Retrieved March 18, 2014 from Miller, E. T. (2014). Why Passion Counts!. Rehabilitation Nursing, 39(2), 61. doi:10.1002/rnj.158 Registered Nurses Association of Ontario. (2002). Best Practice Guideline. Client Centered Cared. Retrieved March 18, 2014 from Siviter, B. (2014). A culture where compassion is the expectation. Primary Health Care, 24(2), 16. Sullivan, P. (n.d.). Team Finn. Battles Are About How You Live. Retrieved March 18, 2014 from Whitman, B., & Rose, W. (2003). Using art to express a personal philosophy of nursing. Nurse Educator, 28(4), 166-169.

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